


Platinum Sponsor:


Last Update: October 1, 2021


Registration Fee (in JPY)

Category Early bird
(before Jun 30, 2021)
Before Aug 15, 2021 Last Minute
(before Sep 15, 2021)
Participant (member of ISHS) 20,000 30,000 35,000
Participant (not member ISHS) 30,000 40,000 45,000
Student (member of ISHS) 10,000 20,000 25,000
Student (not member ISHS) 20,000 30,000 35,000

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Registration Information

Individuals submitting an abstract:  Submit an abstract FIRST and prior to registering for the symposium. For the abstract submission process, it is mandatory to have a valid ISHS user account. If you don't have an ISHS user account yet, please proceed to and activate your user account prior to submitting an abstract. You will then be entitled to register to the symposium at the ISHS member fee.

- abstract submission: you may refer to
---- for the submission of all abstracts and papers
----the ROSA user manual for authors,
----the Acta Horticulturae guidelines,
- ISHS membership,
- ISHS Young Minds Awards,

Participant (member of ISHS) fee: provides attendees with one copy of the Acta Horticulturae (proceeding) that is published and distributed post-event. The abstract handbook will be provided in both electronic form and printed form, and printed form will be distributed post-symposium. The fee also includes Special Conference Bag dyed with persimmon tannin (Kaki-shibu). The bag will be delivered post-event. You will need your ISHS member number to receive the reduced registration fees.

Participant (not member of ISHS) fee: includes all of the above.

Student (member of ISHS) fee: includes all of the above, except students will not receive a copy of Acta Horticultuae. A certificate confirming student status is required to be submitted as a scanned copy to the Secretariat office at the registration. You will need your ISHS member number to receive the reduced registration fees.

Student (not member of ISHS) fee: includes all of the above, except students will not receive a copy of Acta Horticultuae. A certificate confirming student status is required to be submitted as a scanned copy to the Secretariat office at the registration.







国際園芸学会 会員 20,000 30,000 35,000
国際園芸学会 非会員 30,000 40,000 45,000
国際園芸学会 会員(学生) 10,000 20,000 25,000
国際園芸学会 非会員(学生) 20,000 30,000 35,000

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